Scaledenmark was proud to host Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen for a tour focusing on cross-national strategies and value innovation in the Øresund Region. We investigated current and future perspectives for cross-border cooperation between Copenhagen and Malmø including themes such as international investment, cross-regional mobility, shared housing and labor markets, and environmental benchmarks. To be successful, Denmark and Sweden prioritize user-centered processes and goals that have contributed to sustainable innovation at various scales. Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen hopes to translate case study examples from both sides of the Øresund to
Economic and socio-political interests within the German construction industry. We are delighted that Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen chose Copenhagen and the Øresund region as a departure point for future potentials within their industry. Additionally, members visited BLOXHUB and hosted a full-day conference at BLOX with the DAC – Danish Architecture Center, further utilizing BLOX as an epicenter for urban innovation and professional networking.