
Scaledenmark has recently returned from a Guiding Architects meeting in the city of Granada, Andalucía, Southern Spain. The meeting celebrates a very successful year for the network with more than 3.000 tours and almost 36.000 participants discovering the history, cultural context, technical innovation, and sustainable development of buildings and urban spaces across the globe. 

The meeting was also focused on educational development and cultural engagement processes. In addition to the fabulous local experience – learning more about Andalucía and connecting with network collegues - Scaledenmark was asked to lead an inspiring workshop focusing on citizen involvement and bringing case studies to life through new learning methods. 

The theme of our workshop was to re-think how to engage citizen dialogue to promote sustainable urban development.  The goal was to:

•create a conversation about new citizen-involvement processes that could benefit GA goals and tours

•gain new perspectives on their city and how to facilitate new experiences for community /clients

•explore action-oriented projects that translate urban/architectural ideas to the everyday citizen 

The workshop first presented Scaledenmark’s current initiative “The Copenhagen Dialogues” - a monthly, year-long knowledge-sharing platform facilitating citizen dialogue to inspire and explore future scenarios for sustainable urban living. 

Using Scaledenmark’s engagement model as a reference, workshop participants were then asked to reflect upon their own city to discuss how they can improve citizen-involvement and reveal unique local knowledge about their city’s sustainable development, history, and cultural identity.  Working in pairs, they shared their ideas for mobilizing local resources and the potentials for connecting with community.

We hope to engage more with our partners, citizens, and network through future team-building events like these!